Polecat with mouse
Polecat with mouse Mustela putorius A polecat who has tracked down a mouse.
Polecat with mouse Mustela putorius A polecat who has tracked down a mouse.
Young forest mouse Apodemus sylvaticus Mice are very suitable as prey because they can easily catch them with mouse traps.
Jay Garrulus glandarius In Austria the jay is predominantly a stand bird, so that it can be presented on such a beautiful winter podium.
Climbing young dormouse Glis glis A young dormouse sets off on an exploration tour.
Crouched field hare Lepus europaeus A field hare hiding crouched behind the grass. Here you see the self-imposed hare from my first small hunt.
Flying mallard Anas platyrhynchos Flying Mallard in the reed.
King python on a stone Python regius Probably the most common representative of the constrictor as a pet. This cub was my first attempt at snake preparation.
Climbing pine marten Martes martes Often, the stone marten is mistaken for a pine marten, although there are very distinct differences – such as the yellowish breast patch or the often darker colored face to the rest of the body.
Climbing Squirrel Sciurus vulgaris Unfortunately, many squirrels are run over by cars. Due to attentive locals and hunters, I often get these little rodents for preparation.
Badger head preparation Meles meles If there is no room for a complete badger, a head preparation is a good alternative for your hunting experience.